What is the Middle Prayer?

Know, dear seeker of knowledge divine, that the “mother of all prayers” is the middle prayer. God calls it al-salat al-wusṭa, or the “prayer of the center” because it is the center, and [the five canonical prayers are] its periphery. In a certain sense, the middle prayer is ... the innermost secret of the five prayers. As such, no prayer is devoid of the middle prayer, since each prayer draws its form and time from it.


Some scholars define the middle prayer as the late-afternoon ʿAsr prayer…But the middle prayer is not, as it were, a prayer in itself. Rather, it is a flow of light. It is the manifest connection between the heart of the worshipper and his Lord. The middle prayer is therefore the locus of the divinely accepted prayer.

From a different perspective, the middle prayer is the disclosure of the Perfect Human Being (al-insan al-kamil) within the domain of worship. For it is the door through which the worshipper enters upon his Lord. It is the reverential fear, by virtue of which the prayers are accepted by the Lord Almighty. It is the intention that abides in the heart. It is the sheer sincerity (ikhlas) that dwells in the deepest recesses of the kernel of the heart (suwaydaʾ al-lubb). That is, the holy Messenger of Allah is the physical embodiment of the middle prayer. 

Moreover, the middle prayer is the true prayer that manifests in the form of the perfect heirs who are chosen by God to bring His servants out of the darkness to the light. It is the connection between servant and Lord, the eternal and noneternal, existent and nonexistent.

In order for you, dear wayfarer, to perform the middle prayer with exacting perfection, you must first perfect your ritual ablutions (wuḍuʾ) with the water of the unseen (maʾ al-ghayb). This ablution is performed within the Haʾ of Ipseity (haʾ al-huwiyya) of the name Allah. Upon performing your ablutions in the Haʾ, you become enwrapped (indiraj) with the luminosity of the intermediary (wasiṭa) in a complete manner. Thereupon you shall understand the [middle prayer whose] unifying connection (sila) flows through each of the prayers (salawat).

— Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari (qs) Kaf al-Astar


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