Three Levels of Being within the Microcosm and Macrocosm

Know, dear wayfarer, that God has placed three main faculties in the human being: the sensory faculty (al-hiss), the imaginal faculty (al-khayal), and the intellect. He made each of these three faculties correspond to one of the three worlds: the physical world (al-mulk), the spiritual world (al-malakut), and the world of invincibility (al-jabarut). The human being thus exercises control within each world through its corresponding faculty. Each human being, moreover, inhabits the world that dominates his heart: he either pertains to the physical (mulki), the imaginal (khayali), or the invincible (jabaruti).


As such, the sensorial human being is the one whose heart is stamped by the forms of the sense-objects. He is marked by a dominant love for the herebelow. Moreover, the spiritual human being is the one whose inward vision (basira) has opened up so that he perceives what lies beyond the sensorial realm. Among this type are those who pertain to the lower reaches of the spiritual realm (al-malakut al-sufli). For the lower spirits among the Jinn, the Assistants (khuddam) and other beings that inhabit this realm become unveiled for them. Others pertain to the higher reaches of the spiritual realm (al-malakut al-ʿulwi), and the higher spirits among the angels and the godfriends become unveiled for them. The invincibles (jabaruti), for their part, are those who come to naught and dissolve in God’s lordly command (amriyyat al-rububiyya).

At our present age, the human being is dominated by the sensorial realm and is overwhelmed by distractions. He no longer has any knowledge of the spiritual realm nor the realm of invincibility. This is the state that dominates, save those upon whom the Lord has mercy. Felicitous is the one in whom these three faculties are in a state of equilibrium. For he is a liminal reality between the three worlds, and neither veils him from the other. The true knower of God is the one who witnesses the realm of separation (farq) within union (jamʿ).

— Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari


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