Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari
Beyond the Seven G A R D E N S
Beyond the seven gardens
And the throne, and the pedestal
shone forth, the secret of Ihsan.
My sun was set ablaze,
the realms circled around me
I was taken from myself.
The All-Merciful gave me to drink,
From this cup drank I
Neither time, nor place
Neither speech, nor silence,
Neither angel, nor human,
Grasps the meaning of my kind.
I am the Kaf of Ihsan,
I am the meaning of my holiness,
I am the sight of the blind,
I am the burier of the dead,
I am the door of goodpleasure
I am the spirit of intimacy.
I am the axial Pole among pillars,
For the Arabs, and the non-Arabs
I am the Judi of the age, where Noah’s Ark came to rest
On this day, and before
I am the wine within the jug,
In the realm of pure meaning, and in the sensory realm.
Were that you knew, dear brethren,
The secret meaning of effacement!
I swear by the Criterion,
its ascending degrees of intimacy,
by the repeated seven verses of the Fatiha,
and by the Dome of the Rock:
that the light of faith,
is a glimmer of my sun.
Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari (qs) Kaf al-Astar
O God,
I seek refuge in Thee from Thee
(Orison, “munajat”, intimate prayer)
I seek refuge from proofs, demonstrations, scales, and rulings
I seek refuge in Thee from light that veils me from Thee
I seek refuge in Thee from becoming a seeker or a fugitive
I seek refuge in Thee from being near or far
I seek refuge in Thee from descending or ascending
I seek refuge in Thee from invoking Thee
I seek refuge in Thee from knowledge that serves as proof for Thee
I seek refuge in Thee from a resolve that causes my soul to surpass others through its caprice
I seek refuge in Thee from a knowledge that can be encroached upon
I seek refuge in Thee from a direct knowledge (maʿrifa) that I take as an idol
I seek refuge in Thee from the sin of a direct knowledge that would obliterate my ignorance
I seek refuge in Thee from a guise of organized knowledge through which I would worship my caprice
I seek refuge in Thee from knowledge of the herebelow and the hereafter
I seek refuge in Thee from letters and the words that they form
I seek refuge in Thee from asking Thee
I seek refuge in Thee from not asking Thee
I seek refuge in Thee from a lying heart and a truthful tongue
I seek refuge in Thee from asking for forgiveness out of fear, or from supplicating out of need
I seek refuge in Thee from the affliction of asking for an affliction to be lifted
I seek refuge in Thee from unveiling and veiling
Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari (qs) Kaf al-Astar