Is the Path for Everyone? Yes — here’s why


Choose a Path for yourself. You can be an Adamic human being by virtue of the blowing of the spirit, which occurs when the properties of the spirit flow through the entirety of your body, such that your "earth is changed to other than the earth" (Q 14:48) and you come to realize the essence of love described in the Sacred hadith, “My servant ceases not to draw near unto Me with supererogatory devotions until I love him; and when I love him, I become the hearing with which he hears, the seeing with which he sees, the hand with which he holds, and the foot with which he walks. If he asks Me, I will surely give him; and if he seeks refuge with Me, I will surely give him refuge.” With this, you will be dominated by the breath of the All-Merciful.

That is one path; the other is for you to become a bestial human being by virtue of the dominance of your bestial body, so that the influence of the spirit weakens within you. With that, you will become ignorant of your reality, and you will not draw out the treasure that is buried within you. 

You are a composed book, a written history: the book of your life, which is a record of all of your deeds, and all your movements, and all the words that issue from you. It is a record of your breaths, which issue from the warmth of the spirit. This breath issues from the star of caprice (hawa) in the heart, and then is exhaled so that it is loosened upon the tongue, and the tongue is set into motion and manifests all manner of wondrous sciences. So examine the nature of the star that has been sent down into your heart. Is it the star of the Companions, or a hellish base star from the depths of the devil? This breath is your reality.

Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari (qs)

Taratil al-Ha’iyaa


The Path and the Name