Beware, DEAR WAYFARER, of your own sense of self and SPIRITUAL accomplishment. Beware of imagining yourself to be BETTER than the Adam of your age, and of regarding the EARTHLY nature of your intermediary with disdain. The SAILS of your lower self are still targets for the ARROWS of divine majesty. It behooves you to halt at the shores of

this OCEAN and to become absent from your lower self. Do not DARE to cross this ocean, for even your thoughts are perilous WITHOUT divine permission. Only embark upon this ocean if you are clinging to the SHIELD OF LOVE that protects you from the arrows of divine MAJESTY. Otherwise, your journey’s end will be rejection and misery.

Tune in to our podcasts “The Sufis of Morocco” for discourses on Islamic mysticism, faith, spirituality and practice by the reviver of the Shadhiliyya Order, Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari (qs). 

Select Teachings

header Yousef Casewit header Yousef Casewit

The Birds of Divine Love

Pass away in your love for the mediator by finding repose under his commands. As one report says: “die before you die.” For the deceased victims of the Lam of Contraction are martyrs (shuhadaʾ). They witness (shahidu) the beauty, splendor, and magnificence of the innermost secrets of the Path. They witness the lights that God deposited in their treasuries. 

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header Yousef Casewit header Yousef Casewit

Union in Separation

The temptations of the imagination are nonexistent shapes that manifest in the realm of possibility. That is, these temptations manifest within the loci of the realm of separation in one’s field of vision. They are what the holy Prophet (s) likened to strips of the reed mat in the aforementioned hadith. Every strip is one of the appearances of the realm of separation.

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