Sheikh’s Birthday in Madagascar

The Madagascan Zawiyah Karkariya celebrates the birthday of Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi Al-Karkari QS 


A special bond unites the two countries of Morocco and Madagascar since King Mohammed V had been exiled there with his entire royal family. Indeed, the Madagascans have a special relationship with everything that is Moroccan and hold the Moroccan people in high esteem. On July 2nd, they had another opportunity to further nurture their ties with Morocco thanks to the initiative of the Madagascan Karkariya disciples.

Indeed, on the occasion of the birthday of Sidi Mohamed Faouzi Al Karkari QS, they organized a spiritual meeting which was attended by a huge crowd of disciples and their guests. This beautiful meeting took place in the Zawiyah karkariya Shadhiliya in Tuléar, the largest city of southern Madagascar.

After the Hadra and the Zikr sitting, a collective meal was offered. At the end of this meeting, the hundred or so Karkariya disciples present there and their guests prayed for the Shaykh of the Tariqa Karkariya and for Morocco, with which the Malagasy people have historical emotional ties, well anchored in their collective memory.


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