The Niche (al-mishkat)


The niche is the breast of the one who finds repose in the nearness of the Real. It is the one who is receptive of the allusion of the divine command to “recite” (iqra’) that issues from the presence of union, so that his breast may expand to the vastness of the pure meanings of the Lord. You might also say that the niche (mishkat) is the hidden and clean cave. It is the heart of every lover who is singled out in pre-eternity and chosen before time. This heart is touched by the light of the presence of God’s attentive care. This heart’s inner vision is daubed by the gray kuhl (eye-shadow) of pre-eternity. 

Moreover, the intimate guest of “He loves them, and they love Him,” resides in this courtyard. He loves them first, despite the fact that He neither needs them nor their worship or invocations. Then they love Him: they draw near unto Him, handspan by handspan, and He draws near unto them by an arm’s length. They come walking and He comes in haste. 

The mishkat, the niche, is the heart that is vast enough to embrace the disclosures of the divine ipseity (huwiyya). It is the Cave of Ḥira’ of pure meaning, if you understand what a meaning is. It is the refuge of mercy, and the place of right guidance.

From Sh. Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari’s “al-Mahajja al-Bayda’”


The Lamp (al-misbah)


What is Inner Vision (basira)?