Distractions of the Herebelow


You should know that forgetfulness of God originates from the multiplicity of separation. [That is, since God is One, separation from Him implies separation from Oneness, hence multiplicity]. 

This multiplicity stems from a vision of imagined fantasies reflected in differentiated forms, names, and properties that suggest a multiplicity of autonomous entities. For each container discloses itself as a distinct reflection within the eye and leaves a subtle trace in the mirror of the heart. Each time one looks at things with the eye of heedlessness, one increases in distance from what is truly real. When these dots accumulate over the mirror of the heart and become opaque, they mask the innate disposition toward unity that God created His creatures upon, and the darkness of sensory vessels becomes rooted till the heart takes pleasure in them and finds intimacy in them. Then, with the passing of time, the heart denies its luminous origin and its darkness gives way to hardness. God says: But with the passing of time, their hearts became hardened, and many of them are iniquitous. (Q hadid 57:16)

Therefore, do not be dazzled by the multiplicity of separation. Rather, return from numbers to the One, and return from [the curvatures of the] letters to the straightness of the Alif (ا), and return from created beings to the Being-Giver (mukawwin). Obliterate the all with the light of the Creator of the all, so that nothing remains but His light in the heavens and the earth. At that point, return to the realm of separation without forgetting union and you will see a wondrous secret. You will clearly behold a matter that cannot be constrained by words, for that is what is called the Innermost Secret (al-sirr).

Let this be the yardstick by which you measure things when you are incapable of discernment. For when you find that verbal expression encompasses the subtle allusion, then know that you are still encompassed by the Innermost Secret. However, when you are incapable of speech, your tongue is reduced to silence, and tears run down and burn your cheek, then know that you are drawing near to the field of the Innermost Secret.

Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi Al Karkari (Kaf al-astar)


Union in Separation


My Mercy Embraces All Things